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Internet fraudsters stole almost 50,000 euros in two cases

Internet fraudsters stole almost 50,000 euros in two different cases in Vorarlberg.

In Vorarlberg, fraudsters stole almost 50,000 euros in two cases.

A 55-year-old man from Feldkirch was the victim of investment fraud and lost around 47,000 euros. In the Vorarlberg Oberland, the “daughter-son scam” was successful again, a 62-year-old transferred almost 2,500 euros to strangers, the police informed.

Investment fraudster stole 47,000 euros from man from Feldkirch

The Feldkircher invested the money from January 12th via an online trading platform, the amount was to be paid into a British account. When the man wanted to collect his winnings on January 27 – within two weeks the sum had allegedly almost quadrupled to almost 177,000 euros – no one could be reached via the trading platform.

The 62-year-old was contacted via WhatsApp on Wednesday. The person pretended to be the child of the 62-year-old and persuaded the woman to transfer over 2,400 euros.

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