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Invites SSPE to the International Congress of Public Security

Juarez City.- The Secretary of Public Security of the State (SSPE) made the invitation to participate in the third cycle of conferences of the International Congress of Public Security that will be held this March 30 at 9:00 a.m. at the Gracia Pasquel Theater, of the Autonomous University from Juarez.

In a bulletin sent by the state corporation, it indicates that the conferences that will be given are aimed at the personnel of the different public security institutions, from municipal, state and federal.

He explains that the training responds to the strategy “Implement the model of professionalization, strengthening, dignity and specialization of police officers”, established in the State Development Plan.

Finally, it details that in this third stage there will be the participation of Pedro Escamilla Hernández, who will present the topic “Legitimate Use of Force”, as well as the vice-rector of Unipol, Federico Schacht Chávez, with the conference “Human Rights for personnel of Police, Prosecutor’s Office, Custodians and Security”.

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