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IO Interactive’s lead writer comments on Project Dragon in new podcast

Barely a year ago, a relatively credible rumor leaked out that Danish IO Interactive, in addition to working on the upcoming Project 007 (already revealed publicly), is working on a fantasy project codenamed Project Dragon. Not only that, according to reports, the project will also be exclusive to Xbox.

The project was described by Windows Central editor Jez Corden as an RPG in which dragons play an important role, hence the name. But aside from the title apparently using the studio’s in-house graphics engine Glacier, we haven’t heard anything about Project Dragon – until now. In the latest episode of Danish The Arcade podcast tells the screenwriter at IO, Michael Vogt, a little about the process, and in that context he also gets questions about Project Dragon.

More specifically, he is asked about the rumors of a possible deal with Microsoft, and even if he says that “doesn’t ring any bells”he admits “well maybe, if you say so” to the fact that Project Dragon is an exclusive collaboration between the two parties.

Project Dragon is mentioned and referenced throughout the show, never dismissed as a rumor without substance by the IO raiser. If you are stuck in Danish, we recommend that you listen to get fascinating insights into how IO has acted over the years.

The dragons come from Game of Thrones.
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