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Iohannis: A friend in need is known. The vocal and constant support of Germany in favor of Romania’s accession to Schengen is eloquent in this sense

President Klaus Iohannis stated, at the event organized on the occasion of the German Unity Day in Bucharest, that Germany proved through its vocal and constant support in favor of Romania’s accession to Schengen that “a friend is known in need”, cites “We hope to achieve this desired as soon as possible, both based on our widely recognized performances, and as a confirmation of the fact that the Union is able to respond to the need for cohesion, resilience, solidarity and increased security”, added the head of state.

Klaus IohannisPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

“I am glad to take part in the ceremony marking the 33rd anniversary of German Unity and to be with you on this occasion. The fall of the Berlin Wall must remind us today, when we witness a terrible war in our neighborhood, that the European Union is a project of peace and freedom. We need now, more than ever, more unity within the European Union to successfully manage the many challenges both inside and outside the Union, where we face Russia’s brutal war of aggression against Ukraine and with its disastrous consequences”, declared President Iohannis, on Monday at the event organized on the occasion of the Day of German Unity.

The head of state also said that “thanks to the series of historical events triggered by the fall of the Berlin Wall, we find ourselves together, in Europe, Romanians and Germans, as friends and European partners, but also as allies in NATO”.

He mentioned a German proverb that says that “friendship is a plant that needs to be watered often” and he is happy to confirm that this year “we abundantly watered the plant of Romanian-German friendship”.

“Together we must continue to act, in a constantly changing environment, to protect and promote our values, as well as to project them in our neighborhood and beyond. A German proverb says that «Friendship is a plant that needs to be watered often» / «Freundschaft ist eine Pflanze, die man oft gießen muss». I am happy to confirm that this year we abundantly watered the plant of Romanian-German friendship, through a dynamic political-diplomatic dialogue, an accentuated economic and sectoral cooperation and by strengthening interpersonal ties. Today, our strategic relationship is closer than ever”, the President of Romania stated.

He also reviewed the visits of German officials to Romania this year, such as that of Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the Prime Minister of Bavaria, Markus Söder.

“We were honored by the visits to Romania, this year, of the federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the federal chancellor Olaf Scholz and the prime minister of the state of Bavaria, Markus Söder. I also had the pleasure of participating this summer, in Düsseldorf and Frankfurt, in the ceremonies where I was honored to receive the German Civic Award and the Franz Werfel Award for Human Rights. The Romanian community in Germany and the community of ethnic Germans in Romania act as a link between our societies and peoples, having a significant contribution to the development and modernization of Romania”, added Iohannis.

Klaus Iohannis: “Economic relations between Romania and Germany are at the highest level in the last 20 years”

The head of state also brought up the joint intergovernmental commission for ethnic Germans in Romania, an instrument for promoting the identity of the German minority.

“As it is well known, an important tool for promoting the identity of the German minority is the Joint Intergovernmental Commission for ethnic Germans in Romania. I appreciated the very good cooperation with the German side at this year’s edition as well. I am pleased to note that the economic relations between Romania and Germany are at the highest level in the last 20 years. At the same time, I appreciate the excellent bilateral cooperation in the field of education, especially the sharing of German experience in the implementation of dual education. The continuation of projects and initiatives in this field contributes to the synergy between education and the economy, with long-term benefits, including in terms of bilateral relations”, said President Iohannis.

“A proverb that we meet both in Romania and in Germany states that «a friend in need is known» / «Wahre Freunde erkennt man in der Not». The vocal and constant support of Germany in favor of Romania’s accession to the Schengen area is eloquent in this sense. We hope to achieve this desired as soon as possible, both based on our widely recognized performances, and as a confirmation of the fact that the Union is able to respond to the need for cohesion, resilience, solidarity and increased security”, continued President Klaus Iohannis.

He also spoke about the complete and unwanted developments that affect security and peace on our continent.

“We are currently facing complex and unwanted developments that affect peace and security on our continent and around the world. But looking back at the reunification of the German people, we keep our faith in the victory of the values ​​and ideals that are the basis of the European Union: democracy, the rule of law, solidarity and respect for fundamental human rights. Together, united, we will overcome all challenges!” concluded the President of Romania.

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