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Iohannis’s first reaction about the possibility of suing Austria in the Schengen case: “It must be very carefully analyzed”

The possibility of suing Austria, if it again opposes Romania’s accession to Schengen, “must be very carefully analyzed”, President Klaus Iohannis said on Wednesday, after the Prime Minister will sue Austria at the European Court of Justice for compensation if maintains its veto.

Klaus Iohannis and Marcel CiolacuPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Calin

  • “This approach must be very well analyzed and, if a solution is possible in this way, then we will certainly know what this possibility is”, said the head of state, present at the General Assembly of the United Nations, for the Romanian press.

We remind you that Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu stated in an interview for Der Standard that Romania will sue Austria at the European Court of Justice for damages if Vienna maintains its veto at the JAI Council in December.

  • “What I cannot accept either is the statement according to which the veto would be related to the electoral campaign in Austria. Spain, as president of the EU Council, supports Romania’s accession to the Schengen area and makes sure that this topic is on the agenda again – either in October or on December 4 or 5 within the Council of EU Interior Ministers . All other states – except Austria – support Romania’s accession. It is also not true what Nehammer claims, namely that there is a very active migration through Romania.
  • We have also introduced, together with Serbia, joint controls to remove this topic from the center of discussions. However, if Chancellor Nehammer makes unjustified use of the veto again, I will have to, as prime minister, appeal Austria’s decision to the European Court, in order to demand compensation for the losses caused by non-accession”, said Ciolacu.

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Cătălin Predoiu, qualified Ciolacu’s intention to sue Austria as a “premature idea”.

Predoiu claims that the solution would be the “diplomatic way” and that Romania “has assets and real chances to make progress”, but without advancing a deadline.

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