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iPhone 15 problem: There is a cracking noise in the speakers

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The iPhone 15 continues to be associated with some issues. Isolated cases or not?

Currently there is Reddit has numerous complaints about sound problems. Cracking, creaking and rattling noises are described during audio playback. Sometimes they are violent, sometimes they can be heard in the background.

What particularly annoys users

Owners complain that the problem is particularly annoying at higher volumes. The earpiece speaker in particular is affected, according to the allegations, which we cannot confirm, at least for our devices.

According to those affected, all iPhone 15 models are affected when playing music. A TikToker claims he traded his 15 Pro Max to Apple many times over. But every new iPhone had the same audio error.

Update ahead

It is possible that this is a bug that can be fixed with the new software update to iOS 17.0.3, which is coming soon to everyone.

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