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iPhone 15: With a USB Ethernet adapter for faster internet

Initial tests show what the USB-C port on the new iPhone is capable of.

The iPhone 15 Pro has a USB-C port with USB 3 speed. Apple has listed a number of ways this can be used.

USB 3 ensures more speed

A particularly exciting one is connecting a USB Ethernet adapter. iOS can handle this device and thus creates significantly higher internet speeds.

More than 800 Mbit/s in the speed test

In a forum shows a user that he achieved more than 800 Mbit/s in the speed test. Older iPhones already supported Ethernet adapters, but at significantly slower speeds.

A note on the same topic: There are wild rumors circulating online that an iPhone 15 cannot be charged with an Android USB-C cable. That’s nonsense, it works and you don’t have to worry about any problems.

iPhone 15 models now also on Amazon

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