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IPS approves million-dollar tender for cleaning service

IPS approves million-dollar tender for cleaning service

For the sum of US$ 8.2 million, the Social Welfare Institute (IPS) awarded the tender for the cleaning service.

On Thursday, the IPS Board of Directors approved the award of the controversial tender for cleaning and sanitizing servicefor a value of US$ 8.2 million, according to the journalist Gustavo Veláquez.

The awarded firms were Cevima, Ingall SA and Clean & Clean Paraguay SAwhich will be in charge of offering the service for the different dependencies within the pension.

This way, Cevima SA, by Claudio Escobar Brizuela, was again awarded, thus being the “darling” of the president of the pension, Vicente Bataglia.

On the other hand, through an addendum that modifies the specifications and conditions for the tender, the Board of Directors of the IPS days ago approved the purchase of lower quality hospital sheets, that is, instead of 100% cotton, they will be 50% polyester and cotton each.

On July 19, the union of the national industry delivered to the IPS a note in which he offered to prepare a study on the correct composition of the sheets, so that the results support the decision of the directory, regarding the quality of the fabric of the same. However, the offer was rejected by the pension, which, by then, had already decided on this modification.

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