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Iran: a man who had beheaded his wife is sentenced to 8 years in prison because his parents “forgave” him

The horrific murder sparked new demands in Iran for a law to prevent domestic violence and protect victims.

Reading time: 2 mins

En February 2022, footage of Sejjad Heydari carrying the head of his 17-year-old wife, Mona, after an “honour killing” sparked widespread outrage.

In a video published on the internet, he could then be seen walking in the streets of the city of Ahvaz, a weapon in one hand and the head of his wife in the other.

Today, the BBC tells us that, according to the judiciary, this man has been sentenced to eight years in prison in Iran. Judiciary spokesman Massoud Setayeshi said the verdict was in line with Iranian law, under which intentional murder is punishable by death unless the victim’s family pardons the killer.

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According to this spokesperson, Mona’s parents had indeed “forgiven” him for the murder rather than seek to punish him. Mona’s brother-in-law was sentenced to 45 months for complicity in the murder, he added.

The horrific murder sparked new demands in Iran for a law to prevent domestic violence and protect victims. As the BBC reports, the Iranian government subsequently approved a bill to criminalize various forms of violence against women. However, this bill still needs to be passed by Parliament and an independent UN expert has said it does not go far enough.

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