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Iran announces support for Hezbollah in case of war with Israel

Iran announces support for Hezbollah in case of war with Israel

TEHRAN — Kamal Jarrazi, one of the advisers to the supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned that Tehran will support the terrorist group “with all means” Hezbollah In case the Army of Israel launch a large-scale offensive against the group in Lebanon.

Khamenei’s foreign affairs adviser, Kharrazi, told the Financial Times that Iran is “not interested” in a war breaking out in the Middle East and has asked the United States to “put pressure on Israel to avoid war,” while saying that Iran would support Hezbollah in the event of a conflict.

“The entire Lebanese people, the Arab countries and the members of the ‘axis of resistance’ will support Lebanon against Israel,” he said, adding that “there would be a possibility of the war spreading to the entire region, in which all countries, including Iran, would be involved.”

“In this situation, we would have no choice but to support Hezbollah with all means,” said Kharrazi, who has insisted that “the expansion of the war is not in anyone’s interest, not even Iran or the United States,” amid the resurgence of clashes between Israel and Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon.

Iran is accused of financing international terrorism through Hamas, Hezbollah and other groups classified as terrorists by the United States and the European Union.

Hezbollah has been attacking Israeli territory since Hamas’ terrorist attack on the Hebrew nation.

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Kharrazi’s remarks came just a day after Iran’s acting Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani warned Israel against “any new mistake” in Lebanon, adding that the Israeli government “must know that any new mistake in Lebanon will create new conditions at the regional level.

The Israeli army and Hezbollah, which has significant political clout in Lebanon, have been engaged in a series of clashes since October 8, one day after the attacks on Israeli territory by the Hamas terrorist group and other Palestinian factions, which left nearly 1,200 dead and some 240 kidnapped.

Tensions have been rising in recent weeks, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently warning that the Israeli army is “prepared for a very powerful action” on the border with Lebanon, while the army itself claims to have a plan ready for this. Meanwhile, Hezbollah’s number two, Naim Qassem, threatened that an expansion of the conflict would lead to “devastation and destruction” in Israel.

Source: With information from AP

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