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Iran: CDU politician sharply criticizes Annalena Baerbock – "public is deceived"

Norbert Röttgen (CDU) sharply criticizes Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock and her ministry.Image: dpa / Annette Riedl


The wave of protests that Iran overwhelmed after the death of the young Kurd Jina Mahsa Amini, does not abate. They’re still going people taking to the streets for freedom and self-determination – and the mullahs’ regime uses the Revolutionary Guards to crack down on them with the utmost severity. A number of people are also threatened with execution.

The EU has imposed sanctions on Iran’s moral police and more than a dozen other individuals and organizations. The Basij militias, the so-called law enforcement forces and the cyber defense command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, are also affected. But that’s not enough, according to CDU foreign policy expert Norbert Röttgen.

Norbert Röttgen is a foreign politician of the CDU.Image: dpa / Bernd von Jutrczenka

He accuses Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) of not doing enough – and even deceiving the public.

Röttgen demands that the EU not only sanctions the Revolutionary Guards, but classifies them as a terrorist organization. A clear omission for the CDU politician. at Pro7 he explains:

“The Federal Foreign Office has stated publicly and to the Bundestag that the Revolutionary Guards are not on the EU’s terror list because investigations or a judgment on terrorist offenses in a member state of the EU would have to be available.”

But that is wrong. Röttgen makes it clear: On the one hand, it is enough if there are investigations in another country – i.e. outside the EU. On the other hand, there is a judgment from the USA that classifies the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization. Under former President Donald Trump, the United States already has the Revolutionary Guards 2019 as a terrorist organization classified.

Röttgen made a devastating verdict: the reasons why the EU did not classify the Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization were pretend.

on Twitter the CDU man demands that the EU and the foreign minister decide. He writes: “Either you are for the revolution of freedom or for the regime.” It is overdue to take a decision against the mullahs’ regime and put the Revolutionary Guards on the terrorist list.

However, the Foreign Minister was not prepared to make this decision. Röttgen says: “That’s why the public is being deceived. Germany and Europe are shamefully on the wrong side of the Iran issue Story.”

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