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Iran is a great nation, but in the wrong hands

Mourners begin days of funerals for the president and his companions

Iran It is a great nation. One of the great historic nations of the world. But the Islamic Republic of Iran, established in 1979-1980 with massive popular support, is tightly controlled by the theocratic regime of the Ayatollahs who do not conform to the conventional concept of a nation-state, but rather consider themselves the vanguard of radical Islam. for the dominion of the Middle East, from sea to sea; that is, from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean.

Such existential purpose of the Iranian theocratic power has as its central objective the destruction of the State of Israel, or as it is called in official jargon: the Zionist entity.

To achieve this, they have deployed the strategy of terrorist groups, flagged with the Palestinian cause, which surround Israel on almost all of its sides, and which attack Israeli territory incessantly. The so-called “proxies”, established in southern Lebanon, in the Gaza Strip, in Yemen, in Syria and in Iraq. The cause of a Palestinian state coexisting with Israel, a cause of justice, is anathema to the theocracy that controls Iran.

That massive popular support for Ayatollah Khomeini has eroded over the course of many years, which has made the regime increasingly repressive within the country. There is a system of electoral farces, and the domestic opposition is growing, even with the support of a sector of religious spokesmen.

They are fought mercilessly and the Revolutionary Guard, the true armed wing of the leadership headed by the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, has no regard for this, neither inside nor outside of Iran.

With nearly 100 million inhabitants, Iran is not a depredated country like Venezuela, but rather it has vigorous economic sectors, starting with the oil industry. What is generically called there as the bazaar, or small-scale and generalized commercial activity, is maintained and sustains the economy, together with medium and large companies. The Ayatollahs of power will be sinister, but not stupid.

The accidental death of the formal president may have consequences for the Iranian nation. I hope so it will be. Iran, I insist, is a great country and deserves a different and good future, like all nations in the world, which are oppressed by the bosses of power who do not care about the freedom of social will.

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