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Iran Releases US Prisoners; will remain under house arrest

Los cuatro estadunidenses se encuentran presos en la cárcel de Evin, en la capital Teherán. Foto Afp

Madrid. The Iranian authorities have placed four US prisoners who were being held in Evin prison under house arrest, the lawyer for one of them reported, confirming what he hopes will be a “first step” towards the full release of these people.

The list includes the names of Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharghi, Morad Tahbaz and a fourth person who has not been identified, Namazi’s lawyer Jared Genser told CNN: “It is at best the beginning of the end”, Genser pointed out when speaking of an “important” step and clarifying that, for now, “there are no guarantees” of anything else.

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