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Iranian Amir Nasr-Azadani will not be executed, but was sentenced to 26 years in prison

Monday, January 9, 2023 | 10:45 a.m.

The Iranian Justice sentenced the soccer player Amir Nasr Azadani to 26 years in prison, for getting involved in the anti-government protests last November, for the death of the young Mahsa Amini who was in custody for violating the Islamic dress code.

Azadani, who was facing possible execution by hanging, was one of two people convicted of the actions recorded on November 16 when three members of the security forces were killed during an incident recorded in Isfahan province.

The athlete was accused of “incurring in crimes against public order, meeting and conspiring to violate the security of the country”, in addition to committing ‘moharebé’, “a crime against God”, according to information from the ‘Iran International’ chain reproduced by DPA news agency.

Amir Nasr-Azadani and the protests of Human Rights organizations

At the time, the international players union, FIFPRO, called for “the immediate elimination of his punishment” as well as various organizations linked to human rights.

“FIFPRO is shocked and sickened by reports that professional footballer Amir Nasr-Azadani faces execution in Iran after campaigning for women’s rights and basic freedoms in his country. We stand in solidarity with Amir and call for the immediate removal of his punishment,” the union said in a statement.

Amnesty International also condemned the move: “The organization called on the international community to use all means necessary to pressure the Iranian government to stop executions and the death penalty,” said its president Diana Al-Tahavi.

His career as a footballer

The 26-year-old Iranian footballer had been charged and faced a possible death sentence by hanging for speaking out for women’s rights in his country.

Azadani played for various clubs in Iran and during the 16-17 and 18-19 seasons he played for Tractor Sazi, a team for which Spanish coach Paco Jémez has just signed.

Iran publicly hanged a 23-year-old for his involvement in the protests

Iran publicly executed a second sentenced to death on Monday for his participation in the protests that have shaken the country since September.

Majidreza Rahnavard, 23, was sentenced to death by a court in the city of Mashhad, in northeastern Iran, for killing two members of the security forces and wounding four people, according to the official version. Human rights groups said he was convicted in a “show trial” and forced to confess under duress.

He was hanged in public and not inside the prison, reported Mizan Online, the information agency for the judiciary.

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