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Iranian President: No mercy for opponents of the system

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has confirmed his intransigent course in dealing with opponents of the Islamic system of rule. “Our arms are open to those (protesters) who have been blinded by foreign propaganda, but we have no mercy on the unapologetic,” Raisi said at a religious ceremony at Tehran University today.


Raisi did not elaborate on his threat. However, more than 20 demonstrators are on a death list from the judiciary. They are accused of “waging war against God”, which, according to Islamic legal opinion, carries the death sentence. Two demonstrators have already been executed in connection with this.

Fewer people at protests

For more than three months, people across Iran have been protesting against the Islamic system. Although fewer people have taken to the streets in recent weeks, the protests have continued in a different form. More and more women are ignoring the obligatory headscarf.

Tehran sees “enemies of Iran” and their domestic allies behind the protests and accuses them of wanting to force a political change of power. The Iranian leadership sees the United States and Israel as enemies, but also Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, France and Germany.

According to Iranian activists and human rights groups abroad, there have been more than 500 deaths in connection with the protests. Mainly demonstrators were killed, but also police and security forces.

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