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Iran’s new attack drone launches from a Toyota Tundra

The mockery of the arch-enemy USA is clear given the new images from Iran. You can see it on it Launch of a dronewhich was modeled after an intercepted US aircraft – from the back of a Toyota Tundrathe built in the USA becomes. How Eurasian Times reportscould be the pick-up truck in the future mobiles Startsystem be used.

Improvements compared to the model

The drone is the model Shahed-191, which was developed in Iran by “reverse engineering”. One served as a template Lockheed Martin RQ-170 Sentinel Drone from USA, the intercepted in 2011 had been. In contrast to the original, significant improvements have been made to the Shahed-191, including new sensors and flight control systems.

2 bombs on board

The Iranian drone is said to be able to fly 1,500 kilometers at up to 350 km/h and for 4.5 hours at a maximum altitude of 7.5 kilometers. She should too two bombs or rockets with a total weight of 100 kilograms transport and fire. Iran has had one in recent years drone industry established and sells its products among other things Russia. The Russian army is also using the drones in the war against Ukraine initiated by President Vladimir Putin.

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