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Is a digital resume or a traditional one better?

  • A recruiter spends between 6 and 8 seconds on the first review of a resume, according to Forbes data.

  • The resume design should be clean and simple, avoiding flashy colors and excessive use of icons and graphics.

  • Misspellings are so important that they automatically rule out the candidate, as is the use of selfies because they are considered informal.

The cover letter when applying for a job is the resume, there are endless ways to present it, but Is a digital resume or a traditional one better?

Currently, the labor market is more and more competitiveTherefore, it is important that your CV stands out from the endless number of CVs that are received daily, which is why one way to do it is with a digital CV with which you will obtain a greater reach and with which you can present your information in a more attractive way, either by using an animation, some color or even a presentation type format. In addition, it is more flexible since some link can be included, too you can attach keywords to make it easier to find among employersIn the end, this is a digitization process where recruiters make use of technology.

And it is that technology has become the main axis of many sectors, so much so that in Mexico around 92 million people use the internet, which makes it the second Latin American country with the largest number of Internet users, after Brazil. In fact, it is estimated that by 2025 the number of Internet users in Mexico will exceed 95 million.

One of the most famous social networks to look for a job is LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, with more than 300 million monthly active users. This social network is used not only to look for a job or recruit talent, as many companies even use it to search for potential clients. Currently, thanks to LinkedIn we can keep abreast of the latest news in our sector or industry, in addition to the fact that many consider it ideal for developing a professional brand.

So posting your digital CV on LinkedIn is a good option as it is one of the most popular job boards in the worldwhere you will find jobs in different sectors and in different modalities: full time, part time, projects, etc.

Although despite all this, many companies still prefer the traditional CV, being a practical format to review. Whatever format you decide to implement, you must take care of your spelling, highlight your achievements and do not forget to share your academic background, in the end A resume must be elegant, so an attractive and appropriate design is essential.

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