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Is it because of Schäufele and beer? The fattest Bavarians live in Upper Franconia

The people of Franconia know how to enjoy. Schäufele, beer and sausages are not without reason trademarks of the region. But that has its price. Because it is precisely in Upper Franconia that people have the most in Bavaria hip gold.

That proves Microcensus 2021the that Bavarian Statistics Office published in Fürth at the end of last year. In the past week, it was pushed again for a more detailed analysis average waist size in the Free State afterwards. So have 35 percent of Bavarians one Body mass index (BMI) from 25 to 30 and are therefore considered overweight. at 15 another percent even lies BMI over 30 before they are with it obese.

Upper Franconia particularly fat – average BMI has generally increased

The (negative) top position is occupied throughout Bavaria Upper Franconia – there are whole 56 percent of the population is overweight or obese. On average, people in Upper Franconia weighed with a body height of 172 centimeters whopping 78.7 kilograms. That makes one average BMI of 26.4, and this is in the “overweight” range.

A small consolation for the Franconians as a whole: Lower Franconia (average BMI 26.1) and Middle Franconia (average BMI 25.8) occupy Third and sixth place among the seven administrative districts of Bavaria. According to the Bureau of Statistics, the second fattest people live in Lower Bavaria (average BMI 26.1), the slimmest turn in Upper Bavaria (average BMI 25.4)

Generally speaking, the Bavarians (average BMI 24.8) slimmer are than that Bavaria (average BMI 26.7) – in women has over the half a normal weight. Again, the differences are interesting Residence. Accordingly, people are thicker in the country than the townspeople. With an average BMI of 25.4, the people of Nuremberg are among the slimmest people in Bavaria. In addition, the higher the BMI, the smaller it becomes level of education is.

Overall, the statistical office warns: In general, there is a trend towards weight gain recognizable. At the last collection of health data in the microcensus 2017 lay the average BMI for Bavarian women is still 24.7 and for Bavarian men 26.5. The microcensus thus occupies one within these four years Increase in BMI from 25.7 to 25.8. Since 2005, the average BMI of the Bavarian population aged 18 and over has increased by 0.4. At that time, the average BMI was 25.42.

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