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Is it better to eat only the lean meat or also the fat? Here is the answer you do not expect

Eat only the lean meat or even the

Since we were children, when we eat steak, many discard the fat. A bit like what happens with ham, which many prefer lean. Beyond its flavour, is the fat in meat useful or harmful? Should we eat it, or not? Here is the incredible answer that will make us change our minds.

Raise your hand if you eat steak fat or, in general, meat. In fact, ever since we were children, we tend to discard it. Gesture that, then, we also maintain in adulthood.

It is normal, at the end of a meal, to see it set aside on the plate. Sometimes, because it’s really annoying to eat it and not so much for any risk to our well-being. Let’s say that cooking meat with its fat is essential to give it more flavor. It is a different matter whether that fat should then be eaten or not.

Here’s what happens whether you eat the fat from the meat, or not

Basically, better to eat only lean meatfor a dietary issue? OR we should learn to hold our noses and eat fat? Let’s start by saying that the marbling of the meat there makes it more valuable. Term used to indicate the fat distributed within the muscle tissue of the animal. In short, the opposite of the classic piece of all-red, fat-free meat.

Those white veins or those blobs inside the piece of meat, actuallythey are an asset. It means that if this is present white veining (not gray, attention), it means that theanimal it was especially healthy. And if it’s the fat that, when cookinggives particular flavor to the meat, let alone a meat with marbling. If the fat was, instead, of yellow colorwould mean that theanimal was grazed only on pasture. The yellow would come from the carotene of the grass.

A white-veined meat has several positive characteristics and that’s why we should buy it

Which not only makes the dish tastier by melting during cooking, but its presence is also synonymous with tenderness. This is because, during cooking, it ends up hydrating the steak. In short, having established that meat with fat should also be preferred when buying, let’s see what happens to the fat that surrounds the steak.

Should we eat it or would we do well to discard it? The answer is that fat should be eaten. Indeed, that kind of fat is rich in many nutrients useful for our body. Exactly like the one that surrounds the slice of ham.

Is it better to eat only lean meat? This is why we shouldn’t discard fat

In fact, they would be contained in that fat antioxidants, fat-soluble vitamins, polyunsaturated fats. For example, the Long chain Omega-3which are perfect for anyone with the high cholesterol. And they are also useful for decreasing the risk of any cardiovascular diseases. And let’s not forget beta-carotene.

After all, there are iron-rich meats that are cheap. However, it must be said that there are those who argue the opposite. Who prefers to buy meat that tends to be lean, in the belief that fat not only hurts, but also makes you fat. After all, every day a research or study comes out that says one thing and, immediately after, another that proves the opposite. Indeed, there are those who believe that chicken is more fattening than a plate of pasta.

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