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Is it necessary to enroll my child in several summer workshops?

Are you one of the parents who enroll their children in a lot of workshops to keep them busy in these Vacations? Be careful, this could overwhelm them and make them feel exhausted and not want to attend.

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“Keep in mind that the useful holidays are directly related to the interests of the child. In addition, it is important that you are prudent with the number of workshops you enroll him in. Being in more courses does not mean that he will develop his skills better, it may be quite the opposite, he will get discouraged and not want to go, he can even simulate pain, for example in his stomach, to stay at home. It is recommended that summer workshops be no more than two”warned the psychologist and psychotherapist Walter Hinojosa.

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The specialist points out that it is not about letting them ‘decide’ which workshop to follow, but about listening to them and involving them in the decision you will make. Remember that children, from a very young age, perceive whether their opinion is important or not. That is why you must reinforce their self-confidence through communication, respect and tolerance.


Ideally, take a sport or workshop to help you get rid of the stress of school. But if he got low grades, he might need reinforcement in some course.

How to protect the mental health of your children?

Emotionally educate your sons from childhood and protect their mental health It will allow them to become balanced, happy adults with a great capacity to properly channel their emotionsmanage conflicts and be empathic.

“The child sees the way the parents behave and adopts that type of behavior. For this reason, mom and dad must be a good model of emotional stability for their offspring”indicated María Elena Escuza, director of the School of Psychology at the Norbert Wiener University.


1. TEACH HIM TO RECOGNIZE HIS EMOTIONS. Do it more strongly from the age of two, at this age they begin to interact more with adults and other children.

2. DON’T AVOID THE SITUATION. Changing the theme is not the solution. It is important that the child lives her emotions, but be firm and clear when giving the rules of coexistence.

3. PROMOTES SOCIAL MOMENTS in which they have to share with other children and learn to control themselves. For example, in front of a game you will have to respect the rules and manage a possible frustration.

4. MEET THEIR NEEDS ON TIME. If your son wants to talk to you, don’t postpone the conversation, talk to him and guide him.

5. SEEK HELP. If he presents repeated challenging behaviors, loses his temper and does not control his emotions, take him to a specialist.


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