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Is it really worth leaving 10,000 or 20,000 euros in the bank or at the post office? The answer is not obvious

It’s really better to leave 10,000 or 20,000 Euros –

If the watchword of recent times is “savings” it is equally important to protect even the money set aside with sacrifice. Is it really worth keeping them sheltered and still in the bank? That’s how much we’re actually losing.

In the face of the growing price increase, the watchword for many families today is saving. Despite government aid such as the single allowance, for many families, especially single-income families, meeting needs and all expenses becomes increasingly complicated. In addition to saving on gas and energy consumption, many have had to learn how to go shopping so as not to find their wallets empty. For example, they had to put tricks into practice to spend the right amount and find something more in their pocket at the end of the month.

The watchword for many families is currently to save –

Unfortunately, inflation is creating serious hardships to many families who until recently were able to put something aside for the future. What until yesterday could be bought even at a modest price today seems to have quadrupled. In fact, the prices of all goods and services have skyrocketed due to inflation. Such a situation in addition to affecting our purchases, unfortunately it also hurts our savings.

It’s really better to leave 10,000 or 20,000 Euros in your current account or it’s better to invest

Those who can still count on the savings that they prudently keep deposited in the bank or at the post office would do well to do the math. Inflation, unfortunately, in addition to affecting goods and services, also weighs on our money. In addition to the increase, in fact, its value decreases. If before with 1,000 euros we could have bought a certain good, now much more money is needed for the same good. Our 10,000/20,000 euros deposited in the bank no longer have the same value as some time ago.

According to theISTATin December the national price index for consumption by the entire community increased 0.3% month-on-month and 11.6% year-over-year. This is the largest increase since 1985 as specified by ISTAT. This means that our money is losing value by this percentage measure. The money we have left in the account, in other words, is losing its purchasing power to such an extent. It seems clear that at this point it really isn’t worth leaving 10,000 or 20,000 Euros sleeping in a current account whether it’s at a bank or at the post office.

Inflation is unfortunately creating serious inconvenience for many families –

What could be the right choice

Our savings will therefore slowly decrease due to the loss of value and the costs involved in maintaining the account. Furthermore, due to the increase in prices, the banks could unilaterally decide to modify the contractual conditions, resulting in an increase in expenses at our expense. Therefore, keep an eye on the communications they periodically send to our address.

Therefore once it is ascertained that the dormant money in the account will not increase, indeed quite the opposite, what to do? There are many ways to invest your savings, even for small sums. However it is necessary to rely on an expert professional who can advise us on how best to invest our savings, keeping in mind their availability and needs. It is also important to diversify that is, not investing everything we have in a single instrument, but it is important to differentiate by type, geographical area, sector. THEThis will reduce the overall risks.

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