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Is it true or myth? What do experts think about the effects of the habit of crossing your fingers

It is common to find people who have the habit of crossing their fingers. The joints of the body are formed by two bones or by one bone and one cartilage.

Any joint is united by a capsule full of synovial fluid and different gases. This capsule lubricates the joint, facilitating its operation, such as review National Geographic.

For some, it is pleasant to cross your fingers while others, in exchange, produce a certain rejection. Is it good to cross your fingers? What happens when someone crujes their hands? Know what is said about this article.

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Is it good to cross your fingers? When performing the gesture of crossing the fingers, the space between the bones of the joint increases, dilating the capsule of the synovial fluid. Photo: Istock

Is it bad to cross your fingers?

The conclusion is no. Crossing the fingers of the hands does not es malo, if done spontaneously. That’s how Renata Gregorio Paulos, traumatologist specialist in the hands of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo explains it

Crossing your fingers does not wear out the joints or damage the bones, nor does the cartilage break; but whenever it is done spontaneously.

“Until now, there are no scientific evidence that the habit can cause damage to the health of the hands or thicken the joints”, says the expert. But the effect of revising these bubbles by the way has been studied for decades by medicine.

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What happens when someone crosses their fingers?

When performing the gesture of crossing the fingers, the space between the bones of the joint increases, dilating the capsule of the synovial fluid, which causes the solubility of the gases that are inside to decrease.

When releasing these gases in the form of “bubbles”, they explode quickly and give rise to that characteristic sound, says the specialist. .

On the other hand, when you cross your fingers, certain nerve endings are stimulated that generate a pleasant sensation. This does not happen when you suffer from a pathology such as arthritis, producing a painful sensation when you cross your fingers.

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Until now, there are no scientific evidence that the habit can cause damage to the health of the hands or thicken the joints. But don’t abuse it, if you have this habit. Photo: Istock

In short, the habit does not affect, neither negatively nor positively, the health of the joints. The only warning is not to abuse the noise around people who can impress the noise.

You have to be attentive, as a lesion could appear in the ligamentous, tendinous structures or joint wear.


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