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Is the announcement of Super Mario Odyssey 2 near? An email from Nintendo teases fans

For some time now, gamers from all over the world have been waiting for the official announcement of a new chapter of Super Mario and, in this regard, a recent promotional email from Nintendo could suggest that this event is not so far away.

Over the last few hours, in fact, many American users have received a particular email from the Japanese company linked to the former Super Mario Odysseythe three-dimensional platformer that arrived exclusively on Nintendo Switch way back in the day October 27, 2017. The e-mail message in question is a sort of invitation for players to recover the game or play it again with the hope of digging up some secrets never seen before.

Although it is apparently a normal promotional email, probably linked to the imminent arrival of the animated film by Illumination, there are those who believe that the timing with which the company sent the message is not at all random. According to some fans, it could be the clue about the arrival of something new: some point to the reveal of Super Mario Odyssey 2, but others also consider the possibility in which the development team may decide to publish a free or paid DLC for the first chapter with skins inspired by the characters of the film.

While waiting to find out who is right, we remind you that Mario Kart Tour received a new update just a few days ago.

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