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Is the defunct Lawbreakers making a comeback?

Cliff Bleszinski left Epic Games to form Boss Key Productions, and their first game was called Lawbreakers, a title that received good reviews from the media but simply did not find a large enough and stable audience. It was therefore taken down after a relatively short time, but now there are signs that something new may be in the works.

Without warning, Bleszinski posted this message on Twitter shortly before the weekend:

Exactly what is going on with Lawbreakers is unclear, but he notes in the comments section that many people have been asking for the game to come back. Bleszinski has said in the past that it was a mistake to only release Lawbreakers for Playstation 4 instead of Xbox (where he had a large audience), so if there is some sort of re-release, we’re betting it will be on all formats.

What do you think it’s about?

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