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Isabel Macedo responded to the haters who criticized her 7-month-old daughter

Isabel Macedo had shared a tender photo of her daughter Julia, 7 months old, on the beach with her father and although she received many messages of affection, haters also appeared to question the physical appearance of the girl.

His followers dedicated hundreds of messages of affection to him. However, there was no shortage of those who They questioned the physical appearance of the little girl and even thought that she was overweight.

Several followers of the actress were outraged by the negative comments and went out crossing. “How can there be people who attack the body of a baby? She is beautiful and healthy, full of love, which is the important thing. What a need to convey insecurities that they have ”,“ What a shame those negative comments about the baby about her weight ”,“ I find it unpleasant that they think so lightly if she is healthy or if you have a problem with your weight,” several said.

After the debate that took place in his post, Macedo decided to make a new publication with his daughter, where he wrote a reflection full of love

Isabel Macedo decided to make another post as a response. This time the actress shared two photos of the little girl together from the beach and wrote: “I love you. To me, you’re perfect.”

Isabel Macedo responded to those who questioned the physical appearance of Julia, her seven-month-old daughter. (Photo: Instagram /isabelmacedophoto)

“Let’s do this: We will let the negative comments pass.. Let’s pretend we didn’t read them. Let’s believe in a better world, full of good people, come on?”, he proposed. And he highlighted: “Because the truth is that for me, the physical appearance of someone will never define it. That’s how I’m going to educate them.”

By way of closure, he made it clear that he chooses to keep the love comments: “We don’t have to get angry. There are things that are better to let go. Thanks for all the nice messages. I love them”.

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