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Israel’s ultra-right government takes over

Benjamin Netanyahu, head of government for the sixth time, said he wanted to continue historic achievements. His predecessor Jair Lapid warned Netanyahu not to destroy what has been achieved so far, because: “We’ll be right back.” Opponents of the new government protested loudly in front of the Knesset.

Former long-term prime minister Netanyahu returns to power after a year and a half. In Israel’s history, no one has been in office longer than the 73-year-old. For the first time in an Israeli government, right-wing extremist politicians are also represented in the coalition.

Netanyahu to opposition: You want to educate us?

Among other things, Netanyahu named the key goals as doing everything “so that Iran does not destroy us with a nuclear bomb” and concluding rapprochement agreements with other Arab states.

Netanyahu’s speech was interrupted by much applause from coalition MPs and heckling from the opposition. Several MPs were expelled from the hall. Netanyahu addressed sharp words to the new opposition. By what right does she want to “educate” the new coalition, he asked rhetorically. The government of Lapid and his predecessor Naftali Bennet, who has since left politics, have failed on important security issues, according to Netanyahu’s accusation – especially with regard to the existential threat to Israel from a nuclear power Iran.

AP/Oded Balilty

Demonstrators dressed as North Korea’s dictator Kim and Netanyahu in prison garb protest in front of the Knesset

Lapid: “We’ll be back soon”

For his part, Lapid took stock and listed what had been achieved – “so that history cannot be falsified,” the new opposition leader said to Netanyahu. The state is handed over “in excellent condition. Try not to destroy that – because we’ll be right back,” said Lapid combatively.

Interesting solution in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The list of ministers was not ready before Netanyahu’s speech. Several ministers rotate, not even at half-time in the State Department, but first Eli Cohen for a year, then Israel Katz for two years before Cohen returns for another year – provided the government lasts the full term. In several ministries there is a second minister, which should ensure corresponding power struggles. There are only five women ministers alongside 25 ministers.

Reform of the judicial system announced

The new government has 64 out of 120 seats in parliament. Half of them belong to Netanyahu’s right-wing conservative Likud, the other half to the extreme right-wing Religious-Zionist Alliance and two strictly religious parties. The coalition wants to push through far-reaching political changes and rebuild the judicial system in a targeted manner.

Experts warn of a weakening of human rights and a de facto end of the rule of law. Dozens of retired judges recently warned of such a development in an open letter. The changes could also result in an overturning of the ongoing corruption trial against Netanyahu.

IMAGO/Pacific Press Agency/Dev Radin

“Be back soon”: Lapid doubts the durability of the new government

Netanyahu with no alternatives

Netanyahu repeatedly emphasizes that he will set the agenda himself and not let his radical partners steer him. But these have a powerful lever: They are the only parties that are still willing to work with Netanyahu at all. There is no alternative for him – Netanyahu had to make a corresponding number of concessions in the coalition negotiations.

Even before the swearing-in, a whole series of controversial legislative amendments were pushed through in Parliament. These were considered a prerequisite for the joint coalition agreement.

Preview: Coalition with Netanyahu in Israel

Long-term Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is back at the head of government. His ultra-right coalition will be sworn in in Parliament on Thursday. ORF correspondent Tim Cupal with a preview.

Controversial politicians as ministers

Several controversial politicians receive ministerial posts. A law was specially amended for the leader of the strictly religious Shas party, Arie Deri, so that he can become interior minister despite being convicted of tax offenses. Bezalel Smotritsch from the extreme right-wing Religious Zionist Party is to be given a post in the Ministry of Defense in addition to the position of finance minister.

Smotritsch is considered a fervent advocate of settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank. In the future, he should also have influence on the administration of the West Bank and the life of the Palestinians. Smotritsch aims to legalize more Israeli settlements.

The government guidelines published on Wednesday stipulate that the coalition also wants to push ahead with settlement expansion in areas that the Palestinians claim for a future state. “The Jewish people have a sole and inalienable right to all parts of the land of Israel,” it says. “The government will promote and develop the settlement of all parts of Israel – in the Galilee, in the Negev desert, on the Golan Heights and in Judea and Samaria (West Bank).”

Home Secretary backed terrorist group

Interior minister, now renamed ‘Minister of National Security’, will be Itamar Ben-Gvir, who had previously been convicted of supporting a terrorist organization. In addition to the police, he should also be responsible for the border police in the West Bank after a change in the law.

Outgoing Defense Minister Benni Ganz warned of a further escalation of violence and bloodshed in the region given the changes in Ben-Gvir and Smotrich’s responsibilities for key Israeli administration tasks in the occupied West Bank.

protests beforehand

In view of racist and homophobic statements by future coalition members, resistance is already stirring from various sections of the population. Protests came from representatives of the IT industry, companies, the Air Force and doctors.

Netanyahu’s predecessor, Jair Lapid of the liberal Future Party, said after the legislative changes that the new government had proved “the most corrupt ever” even before it was sworn in.

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