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It is Maduro who does not want to measure himself

Two businessmen reveal an unpopular plan

A peculiar reaction has been unleashed in a certain sector of Venezuelan opponents following the announcement by the National Electoral Council about the presidential election set for July 28 with the imminent application period between March 21 and 25. The announcement, prolific in irregularities, unleashed demons as soon as Elvis Amoroso, Cilia Flores’ puppet, finished stammering the hasty decision with which, among other things, the regime hopes to stimulate division in the opposition.

Let’s hope that doesn’t happen, but there are always doomsayers who – even in good faith – cry before the pinch, there are also those who assume they are experts and demand that María Corina give up, throw in the towel, either because they are honestly convinced, or because they are zamuros aspiring to replace her, like a Miss who declines in favor of the first runner-up. Some demand her retirement with astonishing calm, as if it were easy to dispatch the will of more than two million Venezuelans who chose her as their candidate to fight against the dictator. And what if she has fought bravely and with honor. So what is fair, what is appropriate, what is kind, must fundamentally be based on the candidate’s decision.

And the strategy doesn’t have to be revealed, yet.

Sometimes I feel that all these years of suffering have undermined our strength and violated the generosity of believing in others. A country with open arms has been deformed by Chavismo into a distrustful people who expect to be betrayed, for which they have prepared a stab in advance in response. There is also discouragement, hopelessness, exhaustion.

However, the images of a country that takes to the streets without fear drive María Corina. This is a town that wants to defeat Maduro in an electoral process. So the Zamuros in a hurry to be anointed should go into recess and collaborate in maintaining unity, in pressing inside and outside the territory for better conditions and in facing the obstacles placed by the dictatorship.

Because the one who doesn’t want to measure himself is Nicolás Maduro.

Maria Corina Machado It has stirred the hearts of the inhabitants of small and large towns. And in the same dimension it has generated panic and anger in Nicolás Maduro and his court of aides.

The CNE announcement coincided with María Corina’s visit to the state of Barinas, the land of Hugo Chávez. That is to say, while the regime desperately clings to the symbolism of setting the date of the presidential election on the day of the birth of a dead person, the candidate of the opposition unit drew mass passion in the state where Chávez was born. Maduro does not dare to visit the place. In reality, he can’t even go out to Urdaneta Avenue in Caracas. His followers are fiction, a montage in which small groups of employees surround him, while he, a histrionic costumed character, greets the void in the distance pretending to see someone in the distance.

Maduro is also destroying Chavismo. More than 80 percent of the country rejects it, a figure that must be higher, considering that fear does its thing, because ruling like a tyrant regardless of the forms inhibits any expression. That is also why what María Corina has achieved is so valuable.

Now we once again face a complex situation that surprises no one. We know that Maduro is not considering handing over power either to María Corina Machado or to another opposition candidate, much less does it cross his mind to give way to someone from Chavismo. In that sense Diosdado Cabello and the brothers Jorge and Delcy Rodríguez will continue lambisconing.

What to do in the face of this dictatorship? Venezuela He has shown resistance and determination. A brave country that Maduro has not been able to break despite having subdued it with hunger and censorship and which he has fractured by killing and torturing innocents.

How to face it? Without a doubt, the organization of the opposing country is essential. And that is achieved by someone who has consolidated leadership. María Corina has it, she has earned it. It would then be convenient to trust the winner of a primary process, who is illegally and unfairly prevented from participating in the presidential election. And since the mirror has two faces, María Corina will grow in her leadership if she does everything necessary for the Venezuelan people to oust Maduro with votes.

Serenity and firmness to face what is coming, as María Corina requested.

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