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It seems incredible but mixing lemon and baking soda will solve a very common problem during the Christmas period

Mixing lemon and baking soda will solve a very common

Lemon and baking soda can really help us with a very common problem during the holidays. Here’s which one

We know how many people love the Christmas. There are countless who can’t wait for this time of year to arrive. And many have already been preparing for several weeks for this event which occurs only once a year. In particular, several people are worrying about how to welcome guests and offer a table and a home that are up to this party.

Here’s how to make the house perfect for Christmas for our guests with a simple and foolproof remedy from grandma

To welcome guests properly, obviously all of us we try to make our home more than presentable. Only in this way, in fact, can we really be sure that the party takes the right turn. For this reason, many try to take care of lights and decorations, obviously always trying to save money, but also making a beautiful impression. In many others, however, they try to serve the most particular and interesting dishes in their repertoire.

We must not forget, however, a fundamental aspect of our apartment. In fact, too cleanliness is more than essential. And, in this case, a grandmother’s remedy could solve a problem affecting this area in the blink of an eye.

How to clean a particular area of ​​our house in view of the holidays

We can all agree that sometimes making the perfect home is tricky. In particular, we know how the handles of ours doors they are very complex to keep clean. AND during the holidayswith guests and guests, the problem becomes even more thorny.

In fact, with the food dirty hands, between chocolate and gravy, the handles of our doors often become unwatchable. And, in this case, lemon and baking soda can really make a difference.

The door handles become

It seems incredible but mixing lemon and baking soda can save us from unpleasant situations at home

So, to avoid the problem of the handle getting dirty all the time, we can rely on this incredible grandmother’s remedy.

We take a spoonful of baking soda and pour it into a bowl. We then add a glass of lemon juice and let’s mix until the ingredients are perfectly blended. Now, to give a fresh and fragrant smell to our natural solution, we also pour two drops of pine essential oil. Let’s mix the ingredients present in the bowl again and we will have our compound to clean the handles to perfection.

We then pass the solution on all the handles of the house with a dry microfiber cloth. And, when and if guests should dirty the handles with their hands, we just need to wipe the cloth with the solution we made at home.

With a microfiber cloth we put our mixture on all the

In this way the door handles will shine like never before and we would have solved one of the most annoying problems when you have many guests at home. So, it seems incredible but mixing lemon and baking soda can really help us in this situation.

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