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"It was like sending our men almost to death": the testimonies of the firefighters during the trial of the fire in rue Erlanger

“It was like sending our men almost to their death”: the testimony of firefighters during the trial of the Erlanger street fire

On the same subject


“It was like sending our men almost to their death”: the testimony of firefighters during the trial of the Erlanger street fire


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Disappearance of Héléna Cluyou: a charred body found near Brest


Disappearance of Héléna: a charred body found in the process of identification, the main suspect who was hospitalized is dead


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“The police did not prevent the commission of this crime”: the lawyer of the Chloé family, victim of an attempted feminicide, speaks


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Murder of Magali Blandin: her in-laws, suspected of complicity, committed suicide


North: the bodies of the two missing octogenarians found inside their car in the port of Saint-Saulve


Story 3: The latest information on the disappearance of Helena in Brest – 09/02

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