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“It was strange”: Franck Dubosc returns with emotion to the day his mother told him that his father was going to die

Guest in the last video of Legendpublished on Youtube, Franck Dubosc confided in how he learned that his father, suffering from Charcot’s disease, was going to die much earlier than expected.

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A blow. Over twenty years ago, Franck Dubsoc faced the death of his father, suffering from Charcot’s disease. It is not uncommon for him to confide in his father in the media, they were so close, and Lucien Dubosc was so proud of his son. Passing through As an aside last June, he returned to the time his father had interrupted a conversation of people who were talking about the comedian. “It’s my son“, he had told them, stars in their eyes. So it was a very beautiful relationship that they had, even if the two men remained modest about their feelings.I know he was proud, but he didn’t say anything to me. It’s not serious“, he added on Canal + as his tears flowed.

Franck Dubosc’s father did not have the chance to see him on the stage of L’Olympia

A few months later, Franck Dubosc again spoke about his father during an interview with Guillaume Pley in his video Legend published on Youtube last April 12. The movie actor Camping remembered how he learned that his father would soon leave this world. At that time, he was living his dream by filling the mythical hall of L’Olympia with his one man show Romantic. He didn’t see it (his show) because he couldn’t move, but he knew it, he says, adding that his father had made him a drawing that he still has in his possession. “He was very feverish, but it was a drawing of me with Olympia written on it.“, he specifies.

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His mother told him on the stage of L’Olympia that he was going to die

Franck Dubosc then reveals that it was at the Olympia that his mother, who died in 2021, announced to him the imminent death of his father. Passing through the dressing rooms, he asked her to go on stage, when there was no more audience, to see the effect it had. And while they are both on the boards, she informs him: Dad is going to die on Tuesday, are you okay?. A shock for him, even though he knew that day would come sooner or later. Since then, Franck Dubosc has kept a very “odd” of this place, yet so prestigious in Paris:The Olympia has this image for me of this moment when we decide on serious things.

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