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It was very hot! Bear takes a dip in the jacuzzi of a house in California

It was very hot!  Bear takes a dip in the jacuzzi of a house in California

in full heat wave In Southern California, no one can resist taking a dip. And that was what he did bear of this incredible story, who surely suffocated by the extreme temperatures, decided to get into the jacuzzi of a house in Burbank.

Police officers from that city in Los Angeles County went to a residential neighborhood last Friday before the notice of sighting of a bearand they came across an unusual and hilarious scene, which has gone viral in the media and digital platforms: the huge animal sitting in the pool enjoying the coolness of the water!

“This bear is beating the heat in Burbank! Officers are on scene after the bear was seen in a hillside neighborhood before taking a dip to cool off,” Police said on Twitter, where she posted the video.

After the cool bath, the mammal climbed a wall and headed for a tree behind the residence, in the Paseo Redondo area, a neighborhood located about 16 kilometers north of Los Angeles and near the Verdugo mountains, according to a note. news agency PA.

Authorities have issued notices to residents to avoid the bears and keep food and garbage safe to prevent them from approaching homes, the report explains.

The Burbank Police tweet directs to a link where they are offered security advice about bear sightings.

Just a month ago a huge black bear kept the residents of a neighborhood in Homestead, in Miami-Dade, in suspense, where he wandered for more than 24 hours. Finally, the experts used a method as simple as it was effective to catch it: they lured it with some donuts and thus captured it.

The one who did manage to slip away was a brown bear that surprised bathers on the beach in Destin, Florida, taking a dip. The animal swam and splashed near the shore, and when it got out of the water it shook off its fur and ran away, away from the crowd of people.

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