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It will be even easier to know when and how to retire with the new INPS service

It will be even easier to

Thanks to the new updated INPS service, those who are thinking about their future retirement will now be able to direct their choices in a more informed way. Here are all the news of the service and how to access it.

In the last few years a primary objective of the INPS is to make its services increasingly simple and accessible to users. In that perspective the number of services made available to citizens is increasing to receive various services and benefits on their behalf. Like the new service to help users evaluate the effects of the redemption of university studies for retirement purposes. Or the new application service for the granting of a mortgage loan. From today it will be even easier to know all the modalities to retire and simulate what the pension will presumably be at the end of the working activity. With the message no. 298 of 18 January 2023INPS informs all interested parties of the issuance of the new version of the “Think of me” simulator, Tailor-made pension. This is the INPS pension scenario simulator which can be accessed without registration.

What is the Think Me service?

With that service users can get retirement advice to find out when and how to retire by accumulating all the contributions. Particularly interested parties can find out about the main pension schemes and the possible possibility of early access to retirement. The target that the INPS intends with this service is to accompany users towards an informed choice of their future retirement. The service update consists of an important redesign of the simulator in a single path that provides for the entry of personal and contribution data in a single moment. As well as the selection of any additional institutes that could anticipate access to retirement such as the redemption of certain periods.

Finally, the visualization of possible retirement scenarios. For this purpose was also provided a new advisory function which allows you to view the main characteristics of each pension to better direct the user. Also among the new institutes within the simulator, we find the enhancement of the contribution paid in EU and non-EU countries. This in consideration of the growing number of people who have worked abroad.


It will be even easier to know what the different opportunities are for future retirees

Those interested they will have to enter a few personal data, as well as the data relating to the contribution to obtain information regarding the pensions you can access. Particularly both in individual pension schemes and by cumulating the entire contribution. But it will not be possible to know the amounts of the benefits.

Fill in the

The new version of the service can be reached from the INPS website by accessing the “Performance and Services” section from the homepage. There, you will need to access “Services” and then click on “Think of me – Pension scenario simulator”. Finally the service it will also be updated with all the changes envisaged by the current Budget Law.

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