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Italy: discovering the Appian Way, the first highway in history

R. Schapira, C. Vérove, L. Tositti Raphaële Schapira, Claire Verove, Laura Tositti

France 2

France Televisions

The Appian Way is one of the oldest Roman roads, built in the 3rd century BC. This 500 km road connects Rome to Bernadini, in southern Italy. Reporting.

It is the oldest road in the world and one of the most beautiful walks in Europe. In Italy, the Appian Way is an 8 km path, still preserved from mass tourism. It allows takers to grant themselves a journey through time. “It feels like being in an Asterix and Obelix comic book“, jokes a French couple. An iniquitous man: “Walking on these well-preserved cobblestones, one realizes the greatness of the Roman Empire.“Every day, Sandro Bernadini and his hair tread these cobblestones.”The Appian Way was build 3rd century BC“, explains the guide to a group of tourists.

A road of 500 km

For historians, it would be the first highway in history. Wider than the roads of the time, it was the first to allow two tanks to pass each other. The first also to extend so far from Rome. “This road made it possible to connect very distant cities. (…) It was very important for the Romans from a military and strategic point of view“, theorizes Sandro Bernadini. The first cobblestones are laid in 312 BC, but it will be necessary to wait more than a century before the road arrives in Brindisi, 500 kilometers further. Used for trade, the Appian Way quickly becomes a sacred way, dedicated to the cult of the dead.

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