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Italy wants to sue Austria at the European Court of Justice: “We are facing violence and political arrogance from a government of an EU state, which we must put an end to”

The Italian government is preparing an action at the European Court of Justice against Austria for restrictions imposed on Italian goods vehicles in the Brenner Pass. The announcement was made this week by Italy’s deputy prime minister and transport minister, Matteo Salvini, the leader of the right-wing League party – according to the reports of the Italian news agency ANSA, Agerpres cites.

The Brenner Pass, on the border between Austria and ItalyPhoto: KARL-JOSEF HILDENBRAND / AFP / Profimedia

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is vocal about welcoming migrants but is doing nothing to end Austria’s blockade of Italian heavy goods vehicles in the Brenner Pass, said Salvini, who accused the EC chief of failing to signed the initiation of infringement proceedings against Vienna.

“At this moment, we trust the justice of the European Court. You cannot pontificate on behalf of Italy, demanding the reception and integration (of migrants) in Lampedusa, while blocking the border at the Brenner Pass. This government will put an end to this shame,” said Salvini, on Wednesday, during question time in the Chamber of Deputies.

In the Brenner matter, “after four years of inactivity on the part of the European Commission, the government decided to activate the procedure provided for in the EU Treaty to bring an action at the European Court of Justice against another (member) state for breaching EU law. This is a powerful but necessary gesture. The offices of my ministry and the Chigi Palace (Government) are preparing the file”, explained the minister, despite the fact that “this activity is generally the responsibility of the Commission”.

“We are facing an act of violence and political arrogance on the part of a government of an EU member state, which we must put an end to,” Salvini said. “The restrictions were introduced by Austria, on paper, for environmental reasons, but the environment has nothing to do with this. It is simply unfair Austrian competition against contractors and carriers from Italy, Germany and the entire European continent.”

The European Commission has so far received no notification of a complaint from Italy against Austria regarding Vienna’s unilateral traffic restrictions in the Brenner Pass, an EC spokesman said a day later.

“This is an issue we have been working on for a long time with the member states, we have initiated and organized meetings with the transport ministers of Germany, Austria and Italy, the spokesperson recalled, stressing that “it depends primarily on these three countries to find a solution”.

In October, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Matteo Salvini will travel to the Brenner Pass to check the situation, especially after the announcement made by Vienna regarding the strengthening of border controls.

“Italy cannot be penalized by other European partners: without a return to a condition of loyal cooperation, Salvini is ready to suggest a tightening of controls for Austrian vehicles,” said sources in the Italian Ministry of Transport.

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