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Italy’s government wins budget vote after all

Italy’s government today won a budget vote to free up billions of euros to relieve citizens. After Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing alliance failed to gain an absolute majority in the House of Representatives yesterday, it now has the support of both chambers of parliament.

With the economic and financial document (Def), Meloni’s government wants to reallocate 3.4 billion euros, among other things. This should reduce non-wage labor costs for almost 14 million employees and self-employed in Italy.

25 deputies were missing

At the first attempt, 25 members of the coalition were missing during the vote. As a result, the government’s proposal received too few yes votes. Opposition politicians accused the government’s parties of failure. A crisis meeting followed, and a new, modified financial plan was decided in a hurry.

Prime Minister Meloni was in London at the time of the incident to visit British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. Italian newspapers quoted her as reacting to the defeat in the morning: “I have no words.”

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