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“It’s something you only see here”

"It's something you only see here"

The well-known Spanish TikToker @by.martao, resident in Miami, has caused a sensation with her recent video titled “Things you only see in the United States”In the video, he addresses the treatment that dogs and other pets receive in the North American country.

The TikToker begins by recalling her first day of school in the United States, where she was shocked to see a typical yellow school bus full of dogs. She explains that these dogs were taken to a dog daycare center and that the price of these daycare centers is comparable to that of a child care center. Surprised by this level of care, she comments: “Here dogs are treated better than people.”

Another aspect she mentions is the luxury that pets can afford in the United States. She says that when she leaves her dog, Matilda, at a dog hotel, these places offer additional services such as spas, massages and manicures for pets. Although she appreciates the care her dog receives, she jokes, “I love my dog, Matilda, very much. But if they want to do it for her, they have to do the massage for me.”

The TikToker also touches on a controversial topic: pet painting. Although she admits that many consider this to be animal abuse, she explains that in the United States it is seen as a luxury due to its high cost. He concludes by admitting that, although he does not see much need for it, this practice is normalized in American culture.

This video has generated numerous comments and debates among its followers, reflecting the cultural differences in the care and treatment of pets between the United States and other countries.

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