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IUD: experts clarify doubts about the contraceptive method

The IUD (intrauterine device) is one of the most effective and safe methods for those who don’t want to get pregnant. In addition, it is a very affordable option, being offered free of charge by the public health network.

Despite this, according to data from the Ministry of Health, only 1.9% of women of childbearing age use the device in Brazil. The reason, perhaps, is the lack of information, which causes many questions and insecurities on the subject.

So, to clarify some of the myths involving the intrauterine device, we had the help of a pair of specialists who answered the main questions on the subject. Check out:

Who can use the IUD?

The IUD is recommended for any sexually active woman over 14 years of age who does not have risk factors for pelvic inflammatory disease. It is also an alternative for women who cannot use birth control pills.

“This type of device is a good alternative to prevent pregnancy, with an effectiveness of up to 99% protection, that is, only a 1% chance of failure”, explains gynecologist and obstetrician Paula Fettback.

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