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iX workshop: DevSecOps – Automated security tests for web applications

In the DevOps context, security should ideally be considered as an integral part. The term DevSecOps has been established for this. In the online iX workshop DevSecOps: Automated security tests for web app development on June 13th and 14th, 2023 you will learn how to integrate automated security checks at the application level into your DevSecOps process.

The two-day training course is initially devoted to the security basics of modern web applications. You will then use practical examples to deepen what you have learned theoretically in practice in a demo and exercise environment in the cloud. You will learn about tools suitable for testing applications and systems, how to integrate them into an existing pipeline and how to interpret the results.

The training is aimed at DevOps developers, administrators and IT security officers and offers space for an intensive exchange. Trainer Christian Biehler is the founder and managing director of bi-sec GmbH and an expert in the field of IT security checks. If you book by May 16, you will receive a 10 percent discount on the workshop fee.


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