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Jair Bolsonaro calls on his followers to carry out a peaceful act in Sao Paulo

Jair Bolsonaro calls on his followers to carry out a peaceful act in Sao Paulo

BRASILIA.- The former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro called his followers to a “peaceful act” on February 25 in São Pauloto defend himself against the “accusations” against him of an investigation into an alleged coup plot.

“On the last Sunday of February, at 3 p.m., I will be on Paulista (avenue) carrying out a peaceful act in defense of our Democratic State of Law,” says the former president (2019-2022), in a video message posted on his networks. social.

At the event, “I want to defend myself against all the accusations that have been brought against me in recent months,” he continues.

On Thursday, Bolsonaro was the subject of a police operation as part of the investigation for his alleged role in organizing a coup plot. The former president is prohibited from leaving the country.

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Friday’s release of details about the alleged plan left him particularly exposed.

More than a speech, Bolsonaro says he wants to give a symbolic demonstration of strength on the iconic Paulista Avenue: take “a photograph” of his followers, “to show Brazil and the world” their union, concerns and desires.

“God, homeland, family and freedom,” lists the far-right, repeating his motto.

The former army captain, who is politically disqualified until 2030 for abuse of power, has been the target of numerous investigations since he left power – 13 months ago – despite which he remains at the head of the opposition to the president of Brazil , Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

Researchers believe that the alleged coup plan would have begun to be hatched long before January 8, 2023, when thousands of Bolsonaro supporters invaded the seats of power in Brasilia, dissatisfied with Lula’s victory.

A recording of a meeting held on July 5, 2022 published on Friday shows Bolsonaro urging “all ministers” to launch a campaign against electronic ballot boxes, as he himself did during the electoral race that year.

Although he has previously considered himself a victim of “persecution,” Bolsonaro asks his followers in the video “not to attend (the event) with any sign or banner against whoever it is.”

Instead, he asks them to wear “green and yellow,” he says to the camera, dressed in a Brazilian soccer team shirt.

Bolsonarism took the national flag and its colors as its own symbol during the far-right administration, which generated a bid with the opponents, who set out to “recover” the banner.

Source: With information from AFP

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