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Jair Bolsonaro will not be present at the inauguration of Lula da Silva

Jair Bolsonaro, the current Brazilian president, will not be at Lula da Silva’s inauguration this Sunday, January 1st. The politician indicated that he will go on a trip to Orlando, in the United States, to spend the end of the year, but without his wife Michelle, according to local media. As it was learned, he gave up the option of celebrating the holidays in Mar-a-Lago, the place where Donald Trump resides, since, supposedly, he preferred to stay in a condominium that is very frequented by Brazilians who travel to that town.

He turned down an invitation to go to Mar-a-Lago, “the country of billionaires.”

For his part, the information was also leaked that the assistants of the neighboring nation’s president recommended that he thank the voters who supported him during the second round again and that he stress that he will be part of the opposition during 2023. However, it is not known if Jair Bolsonaro He will do it before taking office or, failing that, after spending three months on vacation.

The people who will accompany to the politician on this little trip are supposedly Max Guilherme and Sérgio Rocha Cordeiro, two very important advisors for Jair Bolsonaro who are part of the organized team after losing the votes in November. Another person who could join them is Colonel Marcelo Costa Câmara, while the reasons for the absence of Michelle Bolsonaro, the president’s wife, are not known.

Michelle Bolsonaro is the great absentee from this trip that the politician will make.

The inauguration ceremony is already underway, despite the concerns that have arisen in recent days, and will be attended by representatives from various countries, such as Argentina, Germany, Ecuador, Spain, Portugal, Timor Leste, and Uruguay, among others. .

The problems for January 1

The biggest inconvenience they found in the current government was the actions of some people who militate for the conservative candidate, especially the case of a man who tried to carry out a terrorist attack that failed and who revealed a whole plan to try to force the state of siege.

Police arrested a man who tried to carry out an attack in Brasilia.

The situation began to develop on Saturday, when the Brasilia Police disarmed a bomb planted in a truck, which was going to explode at the local airport. He was part of a group of Bolsonaristas who camped out in front of the army barracks to ask the military to carry out a coup.

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