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Jalisco supplies 24% of components to Tesla and plans to grow participation with gigafactory

Guadalajara, Jal. Although the manufacture of cars Tesla will be done in Nuevo León with the installation of the gigafactory in that entity, the research and development will be done in the state of Jaliscoaffirmed the general strategic coordinator of Growth and Economic Development, Xavier Orendain.

The official indicated that currently, 24% of the components of that company’s vehicles that are manufactured in Austin, Texas, are produced in Jalisco, so the state plans to increase that participation once the Nuevo León gigafactory begins to operate.

“And we think that there will also be research and development centers that are already coming here. In other words, manufacturing will probably be done in Nuevo León, but research and development requires a more developed ecosystem like ours,” Orendain De Obeso stressed.

The head of the Ministry of Economic Development (Sedeco) from Jalisco, Roberto Arechederra, told The Economist that Jalisco seeks to insert itself, in addition to the components and auto parts of Tesla vehicles, in the supply for the entire construction and operation of the assembly plant.

“Two of Tesla’s main suppliers worldwide are Bosch and Continental and several of the things that these two suppliers do are done in Jalisco; In addition, there are other suppliers such as NXP and large contract manufacturers such as Jabil, Flex, Sanmina and Foxconn, they also make some particularities to Tesla”, mentioned Arechederra Pacheco.

He added that the agency seeks that Jalisco companies increase their participation in the supply chain of the automotive company, once the Nuevo León assembly plant begins operations.

“To give an example, the (vehicle’s) computer, in addition to all the chips that it entails, requires a plastic injection for the casing that brings together all the components and what we are seeing is if that plastic injection can be done here in Jalisco ”, detailed the head of Sedeco.

He also commented that both Teslalike all the new industries that will be installed in Mexico as part of the nearshoring or company relocation phenomenon, “may have suppliers from Jalisco.”

He cited as an example the electro-welded meshes that are placed around the perimeter of manufacturing plants and even those that delimit the environment of robots in manufacturing companies.

“There are some bars that by security protocol are used to protect operators from being hit by a robot… and to meet all those standards that it seems are not on the radar, there is a supplier in Jalisco and we want to take advantage of it,” Arechederra said.


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