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James Wan wants to make remakes of Chopping Mall and Night of the Creeps

We at the editorial office love the horror films that James Wan has made over the years. Relentlessly nightmarish stories such as The Conjuring, Insidious and Malignant. Modern classics of the genre and now it looks like the director has set his sights on some of the most beloved 80s thrillers in hopes of making modern remakes of them, something Wan shared in a recently published interview.

“I have many horror films that I think that are just fun that I love, and I’m pretty sure the horror community shares them with me. I love movies like Chopping Mall. I love Night of the Creeps. These, to me, are just sort of fun horror films that I would love to be able to dive into one day, or do them but with the way that I make my films.”

Seeing Wan put his own unique spin on these two classics could have actually been really fun, so let’s hope these projects come to fruition sometime in the future.

What do you think, do you want to see Wan remake Chopping Mall and Night of the Creeps?

The feeling after watching all the Lord of the Rings movies in one sitting.
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