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Jamie Lee Curtis breaks foot after Oscar jump

It was her first Oscar – and she was so delighted that she jumped on stage in her (not too high) heels. That’s exactly what Jamie Lee Curtis (64) should have left, because one foot didn’t think it was the best idea …

Torn ligaments, sprains or fractures – the actress does not reveal that about her injury after the joyful hop. “The thrill of victory and the torment of the foot,” she writes in a post on her Instagram-Profile.

Curtis won on Monday night for her supporting role in the fantasy adventure film “ Everything Everywhere All at Once‘ won the coveted prize and immediately gave the noble piece a special message.

Because for Curtis, the Oscar is not just male or female. The actress uses the gender-neutral pronouns “they/them” for her new trophy, as she explained on the US show Today.

The Halloween star wants to support her daughter Ruby, who came out as trans to her in 2020. Great actress – wonderful mom!

In any case, Curtis seems to be very happy with her new trophy and enthused that she had not expected the award “in a million years”: “The whole thing moves me extremely.”

And for Jamie Lee Curtis, even an injured foot won’t change that…

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