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January inflation will be above 5% and complicates government projections

The different private surveys that were carried out in the first month of the year, located the index of inflation above 5%, even exceeding the 5.1% measurement of December. Besides, independent consultants highlight that food shows the greatest progress.

One of the consultancies specialized in mass consumption, which surveys the evolution of prices throughout the country, estimated the inflation around 5.7% in January, and maintains that the greatest influence was given by the increases in regulated products such as gasoline, transportation, electricity, electricity, and water, although food increased by 4.7% in that period.

The Fair Prices program will run throughout 2023. Source: (Télam).

The government’s goal is to achieve a inflation of 3% per month, although analysts agree that “It will be very difficult to achieve that goal,” especially because of the “monetary surplus” in pesos, in months in which the “demand for money falls,” they explain. Among the various estimates, there are specialists who place inflation at 5.2% and 5.3% for the month of January.

Among the highest estimates, the Fundación Libertad y Progreso maintains that the inflation number for January will reach 6.3%, justified by fiscal and monetary imbalancesand maintains that “the inability of price controls is evident”, since the problem is not in the gondolas, but in the “constant depreciation of our currency”.

Sergio Massa – Minister of Economy of Argentina. Source: (Infobae).

In the Ministry of Economy they know the panorama that is coming in the economy, for that reason the rush to launch the new Fair Prices program, which establishes ceilings for monthly increases of less than 4%. He INDEC will release the official inflation data for January next Tuesday, February 14.

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