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Jarzombek/Sorge: Research on Long COVID, ME/CFS and Post-Vac Syndrome urgently needs to be expanded

CDU/CSU – parliamentary group

Berlin (ots)

The federal government must not continue to let those affected down

On March 15, 2023, the first International Long Covid Awareness Day, a motion by the Union faction to strengthen research and care for long COVID, ME/CFS and post-vac sufferers will be discussed in the German Bundestag. The research policy spokesman, Thomas Jarzombek, and the health policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU parliamentary group, Tino Sorge, explain:

Thomas Jarzombek: “Research on long COVID, ME/CFS and the post-vac syndrome urgently needs to be expanded. Current studies assume that at least one million people in Germany suffer from the consequences of a COVID infection alone. The need for research is Huge. We cannot understand at all why the Federal Minister of Research, with her budget of over 21.5 billion euros, is only funding research on Long COVID, ME/CFS and Post-Vac Syndrome on the back burner. This is completely unacceptable and is growing in size not up to the challenge. A major national research effort is needed here.”

Tino Sorge: “The federal government must quickly ensure that research results are also used in health care. The patients not only suffer from their illness, but also from the scarcely existing care structures. Apart from announcements, the federal government has done nothing to solve this situation change. The situation is becoming more difficult for many of those affected from day to day. We will use the further deliberations on our application to draw attention to this grievance.”

Background: The CDU/CSU parliamentary group represents the mainstream parties in parliament and feels committed to freedom, cohesion and personal responsibility. On the basis of the Christian image of man, the Union faction is committed to a strong, free and democratic constitutional state, the social and ecological market economy, integration into the western community of values ​​and the unification of Europe. Friedrich Merz is the chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag.

Press contact:

CDU/CSU – parliamentary group
press office
Telephone: (030) 227-53015
Fax: (030) 227-56660

Original content from: CDU/CSU – parliamentary group, transmitted by news aktuell

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