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Javier Berridy recites two songs by the “great poet” La Diosa

Javier Berridy recites two songs by the "great poet" La Diosa

The Cuban comedian Javier Berridy He has done it again. Disguised as intellectual, staged the reading of two songs by the singer Dianelys Alfonso Cartaya (The Goddess)whom he described as “a great poet” who is very popular “for her conflictive lyrics.”

“For this reason, today I will recite several of his texts,” the comedian announced with a “serious” posture and a serious tone.

Dressed in an antique wig, large glasses and a pipe, and holding a notebook of “Poems of Love and Reggaeton,” Berridy read fragments of two of the songs from La Diosa best known for explicit sexual allusions: “Below the water” y “The 40 pound Papaya“.

“Tomorrow we continue with more poetry,” he concluded.

A few days ago, Javier made his followers laugh with the similar parody that he dedicated to a Chocolate MC song“Morí con tu pipi”, a reggaeton song with more than explicit lyrics.

“Today we are going to recite the great Cuban poet Yosvanis Arismin Sierra Hernández, alias Chocolate MC, author of great literary successes such as ‘Bajanda’ and ‘El palón divino’, but today we will recite one of his great works titled ‘I died with your pipi'” , he then announced.

In September, the comedian did a parody of the reality show “Sin Filtro”, about La Diosa and her husband Rey El Mago, and recreated a scene with the singer under her sheets, so funny that even the artist herself shared it on her Instagram.

In the video, Berridy was seen very focused looking at his cell phone when something began to happen between his legs under the sheet.

“Goddess, what are you doing there,” he exclaimed in fear when he took off the sheet and the singer appeared, who responded the same thing she said to Rey El Mago in the reality show: “I’m going to suck you…” and of course If it gets hard, get ready.”

The screams of “No” woke the comedian from his nightmare, but when he lifted the sheet again, the face of The Goddess was still there.

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