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Javier Giner will adapt his book ‘Yo, adicto’ with Aitor Gabilondo for Disney+

Javier Giner, author of the book ‘Yo adicto’ and creator of the series, together with Oriol Pla, who will play him in fiction

In 2021 it was published me addicted (Planet), a harrowing first-person account in which Javier Giner he immersed us in a stage of his life that ended up conditioning him forever, that of his addiction to drugs and sex. In the book, we accessed that dark moment with all the implications it generated both in his social and family life and in his life. physical and mental healthand with his hand he introduced us to a space rarely portrayed, perhaps because it is full of stories that we do not want to look at, those that take place in a detox center.

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Now, Javier Giner himself will take to the screen a series based on his book and he does it hand in hand with Aitor Gabilondoresponsible for successful and quality series such as Homeland and the streaming platform Disney+. Oriol Pla will be in charge of putting himself in the shoes of Javier Giner and on his journey from darkness to light he will be accompanied by a good number of characters that will be played by interpreters such as Nora NavasRamon Barea, Marina SalasItziar Lazkano, Catalina Sopelana and Bernabé Fernández, with the special appearance of Vicky Luengo and Omar Ayusoin small, but important roles.

“I never imagined that my most intimate story would become a series of international scope thanks to Disney+ and at the hands of professionals and people so admired by me such as Aitor Gabilondo and Laura Rubirola. I hope and wish that our work opens debates, destigmatize the sick and shed light on the things that happen to us as human beings, but of which we only speak in whispers because they cause us pain and shame. And that, above all, illuminate all those dark corners with a clear message: from the hell of addiction, with help, with work and effort, you can get out”, says Javier Giner in the press release that accompanies the beginning of filming, which will take place in Barcelona and will have six episodes directed by Giner himself and by Elena Trapé.

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“I cannot summarize in a single sentence why I wanted to do this series… but I can say that reading Javi Giner’s book I discovered that I am also addictedeven if you haven’t tried drugs. If you don’t know how to manage your emotions and you take refuge in substances, at work or in yourself, you may have a problem… I think that Javi telling his story is telling that of many and many… and accompanying him in this task is not It is only an honor, but also an opportunity to understand and grow”.

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