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Jean Deza and the scandals that harmed the development of his football career

Jean Dez received the opportunity to play this year in Cienciano, but he has once again been the protagonist of more scandals than good games (Cienciano).

Jean Deza is once again in the eye of the storm, the soccer player from scientist he starred in a street fight with his ex-partner Gabriela Alava, in which he made threats such as “No, c… because I’m going to show everything. I’m not letting you go anywhere.” This new scandal occurs in a context in which the footballer is injured due to a fractured right ankle suffered during the match against Carlos A. Manucciwhich will not allow you to play for the rest of the Opening Tournament.

After the images broadcast by Magaly TV, many fans of the ‘dad‘ criticized him for staying in Lime while his team faces an important duel like the Cusco classic against Deportivo Garcilasowhich will take place on Saturday, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. at the stadium Inca Garcilaso de la Vega.

Jean Deza starred in a scandal on the street with his ex-partner Gabriela Lava. (instagram)

Since his arrival at the imperial team, the striker has been the protagonist for extra-soccer issues instead of his work on the field of play. Last March, audios were revealed in which he assured that the club made a double contract to the footballers, which means a serious breach of the regulations of the league 1hence scientist had to deny it in a statement, and himself Deza He went out to ask for forgiveness, pointing out that he said that to lie to the mother of one of his children regarding his salary, with the aim of not paying such a large sum for maintenance.

Although no official sanction was known, this fact was one of the many scandals that the 29-year-old winger had throughout his career, many of which led him to terminate contracts or receive sanctions that slowed down his development as a footballer. , causing that it does not become the star that promised in the championship South American sub 20 of 2013 in Argentina.

Extremo de Cienciano pointed out that he said what he said to mislead his daughter’s mother.

The name of Jean Deza He came to the fore in the 2011/2012 season, standing out with Zilina from Slovakia. At his short 17 years, he was key to obtaining the national title, for which he was summoned to the Peruvian national team under 20. However, in the following campaign he had little continuity. Although no media scandal was uncovered, years later his coach, Frans Adelaar, said that his absence from the starting team was due to his lack of discipline.

“He didn’t like discipline. Jean was a substitute for most of the time in Zilina, due to physical problems. He also spoke with him, the owner of the club, Mr. Antosik, so that he could improve in that aspect,” he told Pulso Sports.

Jean Deza received the opportunity of a lifetime in 2013, when he signed for montpellier from France. In his first year he alternated in the first team and was expected to exploit his potential in the second season. Everything changed when, at the end of 2014, he came to Peru to celebrate parties, but decided to stay to enjoy the summer and did not show up for the following games, so the club declared him transferable and in 2015 he was loaned to Lima Alliance for 6 months.

During his stay in the box ‘intimate‘, Deza was denounced by his then partner, who was pregnant, for family abuse. After the loan ended in August of that year, he was unable to return to France, since he was detained by Migrations due to the charges against him. In September he managed to rejoin the team and even play some games, but he was no longer in the club’s plans and he ended up terminating his contract in 2016.

Kleydi Rossi denounces Jean Deza for assault.

Jean Deza signed for Levski Sofia of Bulgaria in 2016. However, the story of montpellier It happened again, but with much more serious consequences for his career. The footballer returned to stay longer than expected after traveling to Peru to spend the year-end holidays, for which his club denounced him for abandoning work.

The case reached the FIFAwhich suspended him for 15 months without playing soccer, frustrating a signing for Sports Rosario. The sanction was lifted in 2018, he was able to sign for Sport Huancayo and resume his career.

Jean Deza got his second big break in his career in 2020, when he signed for Lima Alliance after a great campaign in UTC. However, in the middle of the preseason he was caught at a party drinking liquor with his partner Carlos Ascues. However, he was supported by his technician Pablo Bengoechea, who did not sanction him and put him as a starter in the Blue and White Nightwhere he scored and apologized to the fans.

Despite the apologies, weeks later, after the 1-0 win over Atletico Grau, both were caught again on a night out, for which they were sanctioned. This would not stop there, because in May, he starred in another ampay, failing to comply with the sanitary measures due to the covid-19 pandemic. This generated that the table ‘intimate‘ terminated his contract after playing only three official matches.

Jean Deza and Carlos Ascues are remembered for their indiscipline in Alianza Lima.

At the end of 2020, Jean Deza signed for charles steinDespite this, at the beginning of 2021 his hiring by Santa Rosa was announced. This sparked a scandal, since he had signed a contract with two clubs for the same season. The reason for his action was because when he closed the agreement with the northern team he was scheduled to play in the first division. However, he repented after the TAS ruling that implied the return of Lima Alliance and the club’s relegation. He never told the institution of his decision. Finally, he had to respect the first contract with the ‘carlists‘.

What bad starts, bad finishes. This was the stay of the ‘Mouse‘ in Carlos Stein. At the end of 2021, when the playoffs for the promotion tournament were coming up, he was caught at another party, for which his contract was terminated.

Statement from Carlos Stein announcing the separation of Jean Deza from the squad.

At the beginning of 2022, Deza had another opportunity in Huaral Union. However, the club did not know that the player was carrying a 6-date sanction and a fine of 3 UITs from the 2nd League for failing to comply with health regulations, so they decided to break their relationship despite having already announced it in social networks. After this event, the player announced his retirement from football, although this would be short, since shortly after he signed for ADT.

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