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Jean Ferrari and his firm position on the ampay of Universitario players

Jean Ferrari spoke about the ‘ampay’ that some Universitario de Deportes players were protagonists.

Some players from University of Sports They were caught in a supposed night out before the game against Santa Fe Independent by South American Cup. Piero Quispe, José Luján, Roberto Siucho, Jordán Guivin and Alfonso Barco They were some of the protagonists. However, in sports ‘creams’ they achieved a 2-0 victory against the Colombian club and allowed them to be located in first place in the standings of Group G of the continental tournament. The administrator ‘Meringue’, Jean-Ferrarispoke about it and assured that there is an intention to affect the team.

“That kind of situation we know how to handle. There are times when certain things are at stake to destabilize the good time we are having. The needle does not move us, we are not interestedI have already had the opportunity to experience it with the case of Andy Pole. Until now we are waiting for the apologies of that program (Magaly TV La Firme) for what he did to her. What are we going to pay attention to these situations, the only thing they seek is to destabilize or hang on to this good moment of the club, we don’t care”, the manager told Depor.

In addition, he was happy with the great attendance of the fans of the ‘OR’ in the matches in the monumental stadium, and especially against the Colombian team. And he expressed his desire that the fans continue to respond as they have up to now and anticipated that there will be surprises for the next attendees.

“It is because of how hooked the fan is with the team, and with the credibility of this administration. It’s a mix of things. One thing leads to another. If the team doesn’t show you what it’s been showing, if the administration doesn’t show you what it’s been showing, and the fans seeing all that make their best effort. It is not easy for the fan to go to the stadium on a Thursday or a Monday. In Peru it was the custom that people only went to the stadium on Sundays, and we have set a precedent that the stadiums can be filled, but that amount of attractive things has to be mixed so that the fans can continue going to the stadium ”, added.

With goals from Emanuel Herrera and Matías Di Benedetto, the ‘creams’ prevailed at home and are the leaders of their group. (Video: DIRECTV).

Very satisfied with the work of Jorge Fossati: “Bringing Jorge was an interesting bet knowing the good squad we had formed and the need to have a good experienced strategist. That is why his contract is for two years aimed at being a sustainable project, which is not one year. The coach repays the trust we have in results. We have it until the long-awaited Centenary. Here everyone plays his part. The coaching staff, the players, the administration, the fans, this is a joint issue. One thing would not work without the other, all this is integral. Today we are living a good moment, but you have to keep your feet on the ground because nothing has been achieved”.

The possible arrival of Edison Flores: “This is not the time to talk about hiring. Today we are thinking about the game in Sullana, this is not the time to recruit or give up on any footballer”.

He endorsed Alex Valera: “The quality of players we have makes us very reserved in the things we do. Any issue that may happen on or off the pitch is handled internally. Things are resolved by talking, so any media issue we know how the hand comes.

Praise to Rodrigo Ureña: “Rodrigo’s is the exact profile of what the history of the club requires. Players with this profile, with this characteristic is what has always been wanted in the club. Until now I remember the words of Jorge Nicolini when he took me and he told me: ‘I need a player with those characteristics because he is the essence that the club needs’. It is the same thing that I repeat. The profile of that class of players with courage and good football is what has made our clubs. We have to continue with that tradition of incorporating players with that profile”.

Match of the Peruvian team at the Monumental stadium: “The important thing is that good services are provided. What we have to do is precisely motivate and attract more fans. Make them see that good sporting events can also be provided in our country safely and with good activities, which is what we have been doing. Today, people are eager to see the team again and not only because of the soccer game, but also because of that beautiful experience that you get from going to the stadium”.

Universitario will face Santa Fe for date 3 of Group G of the Copa Libertadores
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