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Jennifer Lopez revolutionizes her fans with the sexiest and most daring vest


In pure style Jennifer Lopezthe Diva of the Bronx once again left her Instagram followers speechless with a spectacular new look in which she mixes glamor with sensuality.

On this occasion, the film and music star shared some photographs in which she appears wearing a brown outfit made up of wide pants. But despite the seriousness of the garment, the New Yorker was in charge of giving it that daring touch by accompanying the bottom part of a curious vest with nothing underneath it. A very sexy piece that is sure to fascinate fashion lovers.

To top off this high-voltage pose, JLo wore a shiny coat but didn’t finish putting it on and wore a chain with a cross on her neck, leaving the cross at the height of her neckline.

The look is signed by Pierpaolo Piccioli, creative director of Valentino, and It joins the long list of dazzling outfits with which Jennifer Lopez has surprised throughout her career in the world of catwalks, red carpets and memorable poses.

Recently the artist also shone at the LACMA Film+Art gala with a Gucci dress that automatically went on to the list of her best looks.

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